Discover how startups like Infinitus, Chainguard, Rappi, and Deel leverage emerging tech trends to solve real problems, scale rapidly, and disrupt industries.
Discover how early-stage startups can accelerate growth, access new markets, and overcome challenges through strategic partnerships with this actionable guide.
Learn how to craft a compelling startup narrative that attracts investors, aligns your team, and resonates with customers. Insights from top founders included.
Discover strategies to build scalable advertising campaigns for startups. Learn to target audiences, personalize outreach, optimize funnels, and measure success effectively.
Learn how partner marketing can help startups drive growth by building strategic alliances, fostering innovation, and enhancing customer loyalty effectively.
Discover how startups can use paid trials to convert users into loyal customers. Learn strategies like setting clear success metrics, offering guarantees, and more.
Overcome startup burnout with strategies like embracing failure, prioritizing mental health, building supportive teams, and setting realistic goals for lasting success.
Learn how Letters of Intent (LOIs) can boost your B2B sales pipeline by securing early commitments, building trust, streamlining processes, and qualifying leads effectively.
Leadership tips for startup founders: learn to adapt, engage users, stay focused, build strong teams, and execute ideas effectively to turn vision into reality.
Learn how to craft cold emails that boost open rates and generate warm leads. This guide covers targeting, personalization, clear CTAs, and follow-up strategies.
Learn how to foster a culture of innovation in startups with insights on design thinking, bold vision, perseverance, and collaboration from industry leaders.
Learn how to build resilient distribution strategies that adapt to market changes. Explore lessons from Marucci Sports, Noosa Yoghurt, and Athletic Brewing Company.
Discover 10 proven email templates for startups that boost reply rates. Learn how to craft personalized, effective cold emails to win customers, partners, and mentors.
Avoid common co-founder mistakes that can derail startups. Learn how to align goals, split equity fairly, implement vesting, and foster strong communication.
Proven tactics for startups to land enterprise clients. Learn value-based pricing, mastering sales funnels, and crafting cold emails that convert in the B2B space.
Jason Van Gaal reveals insights on scaling ROOT, achieving a major exit, and key qualities he seeks when investing in founders.
Wayne Ting reveals Lime's journey to profitability, COVID survival, and key strategies behind their micromobility success.
Nabeel Hyatt explores AI investing, VC challenges, and value creation opportunities in the evolving venture landscape.
Explore Monzo's incredible journey to profitability and 10M customers, led by CEO TS Anil's strategic leadership.
Emma Grede & Mellody Hobson share insights on DEI, leadership, and entrepreneurship at the 2024 Masters of Scale Summit.
Investors explore emerging trends reshaping the VC landscape for the next decade.
Joe Gebbia advises early-stage founders on scaling, fundraising, and strategy. Insights for entrepreneurs on big opportunities and challenges.
Reid Hoffman discusses AI's future, societal fears, and the power of curiosity in a transformative era.
Learn expert tips on crafting cold emails that convert customers, with insights from YC Group Partner Aaron Epstein.
Barry Schuler shares insights from Jobs, Musk, Case, and Armstrong on building impactful trillion-dollar companies.
Morris Chang shares pivotal TSMC stories and strategic lessons.
Insights on strategy creation, sprints, team dynamics & AI's role.
Discover how Todd Graves turned rejection into a $3B restaurant chain success.
Kaitlin Smith helps entrepreneurs decide when to go 'all-in' on their businesses, from pretzels to pet products.
Learn key insights on leveraging AI to pivot or enhance your startup from YC Partners in this Office Hours episode.
Vinod Khosla discusses impactful entrepreneurship to tackle climate change.
Explore how Ben Leventhal revolutionized dining with Eater and Resy, culminating in a $200M AmEx acquisition.
Neha Ruch explores career pauses, parenting, and redefining success for well-being and personal growth.
Discover TSMC's journey from 1987 to dominating global semiconductor innovation, driven by Morris Chang's vision and cutting-edge technology.
Explore's growth from $6M to $120M ARR, marketing strategies, multi-product approach, and leadership insights.
Discover how Bombas reshaped the sock industry with social impact.
Graham Weaver reveals techniques for breaking autopilot, setting goals, and navigating life transitions to create your desired future.
Learn why misaligned buyer priorities and delayed pivots led to an EdTech startup's closure with insights from Darius Vaillancourt.
Victor Riparbelli explores AI scaling laws, model evolution, and startup myths in a rapidly changing tech landscape.
Zach Abrams shares how resilience and pivots led to Bridge’s $1.1B acquisition by Stripe in just 2.5 years.
Mikey Shulman on AI trends, product taste, and music platform wars shaping the future.
CEO Tom Hale shares insights on innovation, growth, and partnerships driving Oura Ring's success in health technology.
Explore Carvana's journey from rise to fall and resurgence, plus insights on scaling, strategy, and startup frameworks.
Rana El Kaliouby shares AI advancements, societal impact, and opportunities for growth approaching 2025.
Explore Shopify’s unconventional growth strategies, team structure, and long-term vision with VP Archie Abrams.
Marc Benioff explores AI trends, labor shifts, SaaS pricing, and leadership lessons from Steve Jobs in an evolving landscape.
Shaun Clowes shares insights on data-driven AI, product management, growth teams, and career reflections from his journey.
Katie Dill shares insights on Stripe, Airbnb, and Lyft’s design strategies and the importance of strong design culture.
Brett Schulman mentors founders on scaling, sales, and investments.
Explore key insights on achieving product-market fit from interviews with 100+ founders: team size, pay, funding, burn rate, and value creation.
Explore YC founder lessons, early-stage survival, and achieving product-market fit for enduring success.
Peter McGuinness shares insights on improving plant-based branding, marketing missteps, and strategic growth through partnerships.
Explore AI's influence, GLP-1 trends, and industry shifts in specialties, bundling vs. unbundling, and value-based care.
Discover how Koel Thomae turned passion into Noosa Yoghurt, growing from local inspiration to $200M national success.
Marc Lore advises founders on pivots, business strategy, and growth.
Explore Erika Ayers Badan's journey from Barstool CEO to Food52, her strategies on community building, and leadership wisdom.
Learn 24 proven ways startups acquired first customers, featuring insights from Stay22, Reddit, Cameo, Clio, and Shopify.
Exploring AI, nuclear power debates, SpaceX, Uber acquisitions, and election predictions.
Explore product lessons for founders from Twitter's rebrand to X, including UX changes and algorithm updates.
Fawn Weaver shares how she built a billion-dollar whiskey brand by uncovering a forgotten legacy and scaling rapidly.
Melissa Perri analyzes SAFe, product roles, and Agile challenges, offering key insights for digital transformation and career growth.
Insights from Heitzmann, Von Tobel, and Felesky on investment decisions and outcomes.
Learn strategies to foster lasting connections with customers, teams, and investors from industry leaders Sumit Singh and Sarah Robb O’Hagan.
David Lieb shares lessons on resilience, pivots, and building success after initial struggles with his startup Bump.
Explore Starbucks' journey to global success with Howard Schultz, sharing leadership insights and reflections on his legacy.
Greg Jackson shares innovative strategies for a greener, smarter energy grid with AI and customer-driven solutions.
Reid Hoffman and Chris Cocks share how D&D inspires entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation in business and gaming.
Matt Plank shares invaluable lessons on sales playbooks, pricing, urgency, and scaling sales teams effectively in volatile markets.
Steve Case advises founders on tech challenges, engagement tips, and growth insights.
Nicolas Dessaigne shares tips on founding a developer tools company, from team building to go-to-market strategies.
Insights from top leaders on leadership, problem-solving, and tackling uncertainty for future challenges.
Explore the history of Mars Inc., the family-owned empire behind iconic brands like M&M’s, Snickers, and Pedigree.
Explore how Duolingo's streak feature drives growth. Insights on experiments, retention, monetization, and user engagement strategies.
Explore Cameo's journey from unicorn status to crisis and back, uncovering lessons on growth, resilience, and product-market fit.
Amy Webb shares insights on tech trends, forecasting, and preparing for the future with host Jeff Berman.
Discover how Jon Robin built a sports betting app from scratch, achieving $150M ARR with market research and strategic execution.
Yanni Giannaros shares Wyre's $90M ARR rise, near $1.5B exit, and how it unraveled, highlighting startup resilience.
COO Rose Wang details Bluesky's role in decentralized social media, focusing on connection, privacy, and democratization.
Explore Apple’s success, AI’s impact, and tips on adaptability with Guy Kawasaki’s remarkable insights.
Danny Meyer and his daughter Hallie share insights on scaling businesses by creating exceptional experiences for customers and teams.
Jonathan Lowenhar shares insights on the founder to CEO journey, discussing leadership, team building, and go-to-market strategies.
Lauren Wang shares how The Flex Company innovated menstrual products, overcame challenges, and built a community to revolutionize an industry.
Acquired's live show at Chase Center featuring Mark Zuckerberg and more—an unforgettable night of energy and celebration.
Alex Oshmyansky discusses how Cost Plus Drugs cuts prescription prices, sharing his journey from immigrant to entrepreneur.
Jen Abel shares essential strategies for early-stage founders on mastering founder-led sales, from outreach to closing deals.
Grindr CEO George Arison shares the app's journey from Chinese ownership to IPO success and how it became a cash flow machine.
Explore how IKEA's unique approach turned it into a $50B retailer without direct competitors, revolutionizing global retail.
Norma Kamali provides guidance to founders on attracting investors, changing perceptions, and scaling businesses.