\"People growing up in other parts of the country feel like they have to leave where they are and go someplace else... It also unfortunately hollows out some of the rest of our communities and over time it has a negative impact on our country. So I think we have to reverse this.\"
\"Is there a way to price this more affordably as more of an insurance policy and know that most people will not actually use it, but it will be something that'll be provided a source of comfort to everybody.\"
\"...are there positive things that are more, not problems, but actually more opportunities... Just, are there ways to tease people with a particular idea and then over time expose them to the broader capabilities.\"
\"I'd be curious what some of the initial users are doing, what are they doing that maybe were different than what you were expecting going in because that might lead to the insight of which particular target group to go after in a more focused way.\"
\"The best way to create a big business is to create a very small, successful, passionate small business where you've got some real loyal fanatic customers who love your product, love your service, tell their friends...\"
\"I would say that you should recognize that big ideas take some time for people to understand and embrace... don't get discouraged by that. And you know, revolutions usually happen in evolutionary ways...\"
\"I think... trying to figure out ways to reach grandparents makes sense... The question is what's the most efficient way to reach them...\"
\"I wonder whether you start by connecting with community organizations around the country that have connections to the universities... religious organizations or centers where students congregate and gather...\"
\"I think it's the kind of thing where the general notion... makes sense, but my guess is there's one or two or three more specific, almost killer app ideas that really will drive traction, drive initial adoption...\"
\"The good news now is that everybody's connected. The bad news is everybody's connected and everybody's able to launch businesses, so it becomes more challenging to win the battle for attention.\"