"One of the chapters in the book is innovation and safety... Part of what makes companies do this well is they have a growing network... that create what we call the consent of the governed."
"We will be using co-pilots to help us... It would be odd if I put the phone on the camera, put on the agent and just have the agent note taking, suggesting certain things in the conversation."
"If you then become a technological builder, developer... with a focus on how do you enhance human agency, that is a design lens."
"Iterative deployment and engagement and getting millions of people to engage is so important to how we create these things in ways that help us as a society and as humanity."
"If you said, 'Hey, I'm a professional today and I don't use a computer or I don't use a smartphone,' it's like, no, not really."
"Expect more volatility, expect more crisis, expect more uncertainty... So the advice that I give folks is... you should be kind of protective on that."
"How do we help people have their agency of learning the new skills... and say, 'Hey, yes, my job is gonna be taken over by a human using an AI.' Well, how about that human be me?"
"...we do what in the book I call iterative deployment, and I think that's what is so important for us all engaging on this path heading towards super agency."
"That we actually play with these technologies, we engage with them, we do serious things with them."
"AI gives you superpowers... AI gives you superpowers for the entire world of information navigation, decisioning."