"Look, there's certain things that are not rational... That make us human... And I think those categories will be categories... we prefer certain things and we don't have to be rational about everything in our lives."
Takeaway:"Now, people ask me a simple question like, won't it displace jobs? Honest answer? Yes... but I'm pretty certain we will have enough abundance..."
Takeaway:"I modify techno optimism with a simple phrase... techno optimism with care and caring... AI safety and the caring part is inclusiveness about everybody else..."
Takeaway:"You could design a drug for only one person. I don't know how the FDA would handle that. We are attempting to see how that might go..."
Takeaway:"Almost all expertise will be near free... The best marketing person, the best salesperson."
Takeaway:"You talked about drug discovery, you know, the idea of push drugs being designed by AI very powerful... every company is now getting on that bandwagon, they'll help."
Takeaway:"In the 40 years I've been doing innovation... I can't think of a single example of large innovation that was done by a large player or a large institution or a government program."
Takeaway:"I think in the next couple of years we'll get to an area where we have what I call... AI scientists. Then you can apply a much faster rate of scientific progress in materials design, for example."
Takeaway:"I hate giving Elon Musk any credit, but I do give him credit for instigating the change to electric vehicles without him. We would be on a very different path dependent on General Motors and Volkswagen and Ford to ship electric cars."
Takeaway:"You only need a dozen instigators in a dozen areas. Everybody can help, everybody can contribute, but we need a dozen instigators to solve the climate crisis."