The press. I give all credit to the press. Because even before we began winning the awards, they just allowed me to come in to share the story.
We built the entire thing out without having the distributors in mind, other than saying, drop off the product... we will do the work.
We leaned into it and said, Listen, this could happen, but the greatest rewards always come from the greatest risks.
I think a lot of people are not very good about bragging about their brands... you have to brag, because that's what consumers care about.
That means that we cannot do this by ourselves. It's not any good if we succeed and everybody else is still left behind.
We don't just have guiding principles... I wrote out also 10 hiring principles... If that person is interviewing and they can't check every single box, that person doesn't make it to me.
I told them, I didn't expect them to do anything but drop off the product. We would sell the brand. We would do the work.
So my thought process was, well, maybe people don't care about winning an award. But if we became the most awarded bourbon in the world, out the gate, they would care.
In my instance, I thought there's never been a woman or a person of color to ever succeed in this industry... So I said, I want to get into all 50 states in less than 2 years.
There were absolutely times where account is overdrawn. It is so close to zero. We had nothing that we could call our own.