Learn proven strategies to attract top talent to your startup on a budget. From co-founder selection to creative hiring tactics, build a winning, cost-effective team.
Learn how to find the perfect co-founder for your startup success. Discover tips on complementary skills, shared vision, trust, communication, and growth.
Learn how to hire a CTO for your startup with this founder's guide. From timing to qualities to look for, build a tech team that drives innovation and growth.
Discover key traits for building a winning startup team. Learn how to hire your first 10 employees with complementary skills, resilience, shared vision, and passion.
Attract top talent to your startup by building a strong culture, prioritizing well-being, empowering employees, and leading with values—all without breaking the bank.
Learn how startup founders can interview candidates effectively to build a strong team. Discover actionable tips on hiring for skills, cultural fit, and problem-solving.
Craig Shapiro shares insights on founders, investing, and future consumer tech trends.
Rohini Pandhi shares insights on hiring PMs, multi-product strategies, and fostering customer obsession for product success.
Discover how Ju Rhyu built Hero Cosmetics, turning acne patches into a $630M brand dominating the U.S. market.
Explore Kip and Sharon Tindell's journey: founding The Container Store, navigating online retail, and reflecting on going public.