"At one point we had reps who sold all of the products of Rippling... we finally got to a point where we launched our spend management suite... we needed to basically carve off this kind of product account executive model."
"Time-based discounts before they even understand if somebody can possibly move that fast... that's a terrible experience... The first thing you have to do is understand from somebody upfront what is your ideal timeline."
"You should work for a CEO whose ambition and expectations make you deeply uncomfortable... you're going to get more out of yourself by working for someone like that."
"I definitely held onto that way too long... being the number one person in the org who knew the script and the pitch... Today, my team is a lot more useful than I am in terms of actually winning business."
"You want to hire for slope... the number one thing that I look for... is someone who has been rapidly promoted at the same company two or more times."
"When someone is not scaling... they end up becoming like they're leading from the back and not the front... They think that being a director or VP means that all of a sudden you don't have to do that stuff anymore."
"I think founders wait too long to hire go-to-market... I believe that you should hire a sales leader very early on... Founders wait too long to hire."
"You have to have like a very deep partnership with marketing where you don't care about credit... Marketing is absolutely critical in making it work."
"I think people that say outbound is dead are... either engagement baiting... or they're generally not good or haven't grown something of large scale... There's no way to grow and scale a big company without doing outbound."
"The big mistake that people make... is people don't increase price into a point where they find friction... You need friction around price is good."