\"To be a founder is a state of being... To be a CEO is a craft... So what I would encourage every founder out there that wants to go build something substantial: Go work on your craft in addition to working on the business.\"
\"We actually think the CEO has three jobs. We agree with two that you said. But we think there\'s a third one. It\'s make sure everyone knows where we\'re going... pick the right people for the team and... give those people the tools they need to win.\"
\"Because at any given time, Lenny, companies are working backwards from one of four things... I am working backwards from an exit, I\'m working backwards from my next fundraise, working backwards from profitability or I\'m working backwards from winding down.\"
\"Brain writing is... I\'m gonna expose an idea and I want everyone to now write and weigh in... What it allows for is the dampening of the founder effect in meetings.\"
\"We think of it in four pieces. The first piece is ideal customer profile... Next is Demandgen... Next, sales... We try and break this complexity... to just these four buckets.\"
\"That\'s the little voice and that little voice is going to be right. And where we get screwed up in life is when we stop listening to that voice... Whenever our founders face one of those moments... we try and be the only person in their life that is fully on their team.\"
\"The ready fire aim CEO says I don\'t want to do any of that [planning] because they\'re improvisational and they just want to take bets... and that\'s also what will have the company go bankrupt.\"
\"I think there are three core mistakes that founders make all the time that can be really easily rectified. The first one is you should hire people who have already done the thing you need to have done next.\"
\"Magic Box argues that the best outcomes for early stage start ups don\'t happen that way. You\'re never for sale. In fact, you have seduced a buyer... They see the fantasy, they fall in love.\"
\"To be a founder is a state of being. It\'s an attitude. To be a CEO is a craft. The more founders who can accept that those are two separate things and they\'re both equally important to build an ascendant start up, the better all of us will be.\"