\"If you give a team... this singular number to optimize for, just everything else goes out the window... You just end up with the whole world enslaved for this enormous paper clip boss.\"
\"It goes from a tight-knit social community... to an engagement thing... When you give a team, especially a product manager, this singular number to optimize for, just everything else goes out the window.\"
\"If I am highly engaged in content that ultimately I really don't like, long term retention will be poorer... Your best users churn and go somewhere else.\"
\"So it goes from a sort of this tight-knit social community... to this like, just engagement thing... All the pressure ultimately pushes you towards this algorithmic feed.\"
\"When people need to like record long videos telling other people how to use your product, you've probably done something wrong... The question is, again, like, how did we get here? Like why were these changes made?\"
\"This is a perfect example of like a product expanding beyond what I think the users think of it as... The job of a founder or product leader... is to clearly articulate to the entire team and to the world what this product is for and how you're supposed to use it.\"
\"It might be really easy just to say, well, if they're watching more content... that must be good. But yeah, me watching a bunch of fistfight videos is not what I actually want, even though... I'm gonna keep watching them.\"
\"It's just astonishing because Twitter... got the verb, you know, like to tweet. When your product gets the verb, you won... So how did we come up with our product names?\"
\"This is where I think founder CEOs do have an advantage. They have the kind of moral authority of like, I started this company and this is what I believe and this is where we're going.\"
\"If you're mindlessly optimizing for a single metric to the exclusion of all other factors, you're probably gonna lead yourself down one of these rabbit holes where you end up with an engagement farm.\"