\"If the cost of software goes down a lot, like then what is, you know, what is the price that you can charge on software, right? So can you actually build the next Salesforce if anyone can generate Salesforce?\"
Takeaway:\"You know, you can build MVPs. I think you can also start to get some initial users... So now like it might change the database in a way that creates an error that's unrecoverable. And at that point, you might get stuck, especially if you don't know how to code.\"
Takeaway:\"I think, you know, learning a little bit of coding and like not the traditional way of learning coding... and if you learn a little bit of coding just by, you know, talking to an AI, doing a little bit of debugging, building something with Replit... you learn a bit of coding.\"
Takeaway:\"You got to be fluid, right? Because, you know, again, when designers can code and engineers can design, I mean, it's really becomes, you can't have a lot of structure around that. So you want to build a culture and you want to build an environment or milieu that is like really, really flexible, which is uncomfortable for a lot of people.\"
Takeaway:\"I could imagine like whatever five years from now, someone running a billion dollar company with zero employees where it's like the support is handled by AI, the development is handled by AI, and you're just building and creating this thing that is, you know, that people are finding valuable and are paying you for it.\"
Takeaway:\"There's an entire discipline called like HCI, right? So now there are papers about AI computer interfaces and interactions... So they have different behaviors and like, it's unclear like what's the best way to give it an editor.\"
Takeaway:\"I have this, um, I have this, that's been called not by me, dubbed as Amjad's Law, which is, um, the return on investment for learning to code is doubling every six months... learning a bit of skill about how to, you know, prompt, uh, AI, how to read code and be able to debug it every, every six months.\"
Takeaway:\"The way we work is going to change rapidly and it's important to be sort of resilient to that change... you want to be able to react to it really quickly.\"
Takeaway:\"I think a very important skill that's like perhaps harder to develop, but it's worth working on is being generative, being more generative, being able to generate new ideas quickly because... actually you become limited by how fast you can generate ideas.\"
Takeaway:\"So we are sort of unblocking product managers from having to need engineers for everything that they want to build so they can really build the V zero V one of the product. Uh, and, and, and that's super empowering for them.\"