"I would keep those... non-committals on your investor update distribution list."
"There is kind of a right way and a wrong way... There are some right ways and there's a lot of common patterns."
"We have a database of that... about 130,000 angels in Founder Suite."
"It's really getting into the nuances of fundraising... You want to spend your time finding the believers."
"I even tell founders to do that... those first few pitches are probably gonna be a little rough."
"Some of the founders that have done really well on our show are really religious and methodical about sending a monthly update about the business."
"There's a hierarchy of intros... first is someone that's made that investor money in the past, right?"
"I usually counsel the founders... to have at least 100, probably more like 200 or even 300 target investors."
"I find momentum is, it's really half the battle... momentum is what will get you around in a week, around in 2 weeks."
"There's one Isabel Kenyon... she just ran it like a boss, right? That was one I remember being pretty exciting."